Hargeisa Berbera Highway
How far is it between Berbera and Hargeisa? The calculated driving distance from Berbera to Hargeisa through Hargeisa Berbera Highway is equal to 158 km. If a vehicle rides with an average speed of 80 km, you can reach Hargeisa in 2 hours from Berbera Airport.
Mountain close to the Hargeisa Berbera highway, Somaliland
Mountains along the side of the Hargeisa Berbera highway, Somaliland
Sometimes heavy rain washed out the road between Berbera- Hargeisa. So the people who drive the vehicles can wait until the water is drained from the road.
Hargeisa Berbera highway just after the rain
Republic of Somaliland
Somaliland is a self-declared state, internationally recognized as an autonomous region of Somalia, in Horn of Africa. Somaliland officially known as Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland (Republic of Somali land), and the rest of the world considered the state as a part of Somalia.
Google map image of river that crossing the Hargeisa – Berbera highway
Google map image of river touching Gulf of Aden
Somali land lies in the north west region of Somalia, on the southern coast of Gulf of Aden. Hargeisa. (Hargeysa) the biggest city is the capital of Republic of Somali land.
History of the state
Somali land was known as British Somali land and ruled by British government until 1960. British Somali land protectorate briefly obtained independence as the State of Somali land on 26th June of 1960.
A large container truck in the Hargeisa – Berbera highway, Somaliland
An old truck in Hargeisa – Berbera highway
The government of the briefly independent State of Somali land, united as scheduled on 1 July 1960 with the Trust Territory of Italian Somali land to form the Somali Republic.
Since 18th May of 1991, after the Somali civil war, Somaliland has been governed by democratically elected governments that seek international recognition as the Government of the Republic of Somali land. But, Somaliland’s self-proclaimed independence remains unrecognized by rest of the world and United Nation.
Long straight portion of Hargeisa – Berbera highway (Total 160km from Hargeisa – Berbera
Capital City
Hargeisa is the capital city of Republic of Somali land, in Horn of African region. Hargeisa is the largest city of Somali land. Hargeysa is situated in the Woqooyi Galbeed region of Somali land.
One third of the total population in Somali land is living Hargeisa. Hargeisa International Airport (Egal International Airport), the major Airport of Somali land is situated in Hargeisa City.
Vehicles passing through the Hargeisa – Berbera highway after the rain