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Signature Spider

Writer's picture: De KochiDe Kochi

Updated: Oct 6, 2024

Signature Spider or Writing Spider

The Signature Spider is also known as the Writing Spider and the Garden Spider. Argiope Anasuja is the scientific ID of the Signature Spider.

It is commonly found in India, Sri Lanka, Maldives, Pakistan. Their habitats are Moist Deciduous forests in the sunny parts. The venom of the Signature Spider is harmless to humans.

Signature Spider, Writing Spider, Garden Spider, Argiope Anasuja, Spider, Spider Net

Signature Spider eating an insect

Ecology – Garden Spider

The Signature Spider builds its web close to the ground in order to catch low flying insects such as bees and wasps that fly from flower to flower. Signature spiders are able to catch and eat insects twice its size.

This spider weaves two to four zig zag stripes in its web, and the zigzag stripes are known as the stabilimentum. The centre of the web is hollow and this is where the spider sits. Writing Spiders holds its legs in pairs to disguise itself as a four legged creature.

When their legs are together, their hairs on their legs intertwine and act as a sun reflector and with their brightly colored body they fool the insects into thinking they are flowers. They do this because they know bright colors attract insects such as bees and wasps.

Signature Spider, Writing Spider, Garden Spider, Argiope Anasuja, Spider, Spider Net

Signature Spider – Female


The male spins a web alongside the female’s web known as a companion web. After mating the female spider which is larger than the male spider, will kill the male and then lay her eggs onto this companion web and wrap them up into a sac.

This sac can hold from 400 to 1,400 egg. The eggs hatch in the autumn but they remain locked inside until spring. Spiders are cannibals and they eat each other to stay alive in the sac until they are strong enough to break through the sac walls.

Signature Spider © Photos

All the photos are taken from Kerala, India

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